Take the Leap: Betting on Yourself and Making It Happen

There’s an idea that keeps creeping into your mind. It’s been there for weeks, months—maybe even years. But taking that leap of faith from contemplation to action just hasn’t happened yet.

Perfectionism whispers, “Let me do more research first.”
Fear chimes in, “What if I fail? What if I don’t have what it takes?”

But… what if you do?

Every dream worth chasing carries risk. Every entrepreneur, artist, and visionary who built something remarkable had to make a choice: to bet on themselves—even when the odds weren’t in their favor.

Believe it or not, it took me two years to stop just talking about launching a podcast and actually make it happen. The craziest part? As soon as I started, I landed the opportunity to host two live podcast sessions. If I had waited any longer, I would have missed out on those incredible opportunities.

If you’ve been standing on the edge, waiting for the perfect moment, this is your sign to go for it. And to help you make the leap, here are 3 inspiring entrepreneurs, community builders, and professionals who share actionable insights to shift your mindset and get you started.

Read the full article on Substack

Feeling like your environment is no longer serving you, but not sure how to move on? Check out Episode 7 (Apple, Spotify, YouTube) with Archita Fritz, who shares how she took the bold leap of faith, leaving behind an 18-year corporate career to build a business on her own terms.

Is Your Mindset Holding You Back? Check out Episode 20 (Apple, Spotify, YouTube) with Basant Shenouda, who shares how shifting her perspective transformed her journey.

Do you want to create the perfect plan first? Don’t. Starting Now Is Better Than Perfecting Later. Check out Episode 3 (Apple, Spotify, YouTube) with Jonas Ngoenha, who shares how starting messy, failing fast, learning faster, and letting experience be your greatest teach trumps creating the perfect plan.

Take the Bet on Yourself

Whether you’re stuck in an unfulfilling job, doubting your capabilities, or overthinking every step—this is your reminder:

✨ You don’t need all the answers.
✨ You will figure it out as you go.
✨ And most importantly—you are capable.

So take the bet. Take the leap. And take that first step today.

🎧 Listen to these episodes now on On the Up & Up and start making your dreams happen! Follow now on your favorite streaming and social media channels!